David Spade Expertly Spoofed Britt McHenry’s Parking Garage Temper Tantrum

[protected-iframe id=”f98e2d0e9653ecc405e66ff8f53556da-60970621-60765065″ info=”https://www.funnyordie.com/embed/f1d8bcb430″ width=”650″ height=”400″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen=”” mozallowfullscreen=”” allowfullscreen=””]

As the life cycle goes in any good media scandal (this one being the Britt McHenry parking garage meltdown), we’ve gone from shock and outrage, to backlash, to the inevitable spoofing from Funny or Die. As far as celebrities who can feign a sad yet arrogant ego trip go, I guess you can’t do much better than David Spade, who faux rants, “This is the sort of thing where you let me go, and we ‘call it even’ and ‘I’m a f*cking big deal’ and you can go back to your dog sh*t life, and I go back to banging Beaver.”

Although, to be honest, I thought at first that he said “Bieber,” which would have taken this spoof video in a radically different direction.