Darrell Hammond Is Nearly Unrecognizable As Colonel Sanders In These New KFC Ads

Best known for his Bill Clinton impersonation, Darrell Hammond is both the oldest ever Saturday Night Live cast member, as well as longest tenured, having left the show in 2011 before returning as an announcer in 2014 shortly after Don Pardo passed away. Hammond has never had much luck outside of SNL, which is why it’s probably a big deal that KFC has cast him as Colonel Sanders!

KFC will start running the ads nationwide on May 25, but they’ve already released them online, so you can check out Darrell Hammond in what’s almost definitely the role of a lifetime for him. In this first spot, he delivers the “State of Kentucky Fried Chicken Address:”

In the second clip, Colonel Sanders walks around handing out fried chicken to people, who are for some reason not at all apprehensive of accepting fried chicken from a strange man dressed like Colonel Sanders:

The third clip just features Colonel Sanders jamming out to some mandolin music, as one does:

(Via BroBible)