San Diego Zoo Polar Bears Getting A Real ‘White Christmas’ Will Make Your Holidays

Southern California is not exactly known for its frigid temperatures and snow-covered landscapes, so as a special treat for the holidays, 26 tons of snow were pumped into the Polar Bear Plunge at the San Diego Zoo so resident bears Kalluk, Tatqiq and Chinook could experience a real “White Christmas.” The bears were clearly and literally in their element, as you can see them frolicking and rolling around in the snow in the above video, which also had yams, carrots, melons and beef femur bones scattered around in it to give them some extra excitement.

Senior keeper of the San Diego Zoo, Susan Purtell, said of the snowy surprise: “This was a special day for the polar bears, and I could tell they really loved it. It was great seeing them roll around in the snow, showcasing their natural behaviors.” The snow was made possible by donations to the Animal Care Wish List on the San Diego Zoo’s website, a shopping list formed of enrichment items to keep the zoo’s animals happy and healthy.