This Man Was Covered In Poop For Pleasuring Himself In A Port-A-Potty

port a potty

People do…strange things for sexual gratification. Like this man from Portland, Oregon who decided to get his jollies by jerking off in a port-a-potty and flashing the homeless people around him. What he didn’t expect was vengeance in the form of the Honey Bucket (yes, that’s what the port-a-potty is called), being turned over and covering him in poop, pee and god knows what else lives inside a portable toilet.

KOMO News reports that the man (also homeless) started masturbating at around 8am and wouldn’t stop even though he was asked:

“(He) was flashing us over and over again, and we asked him multiple times and told him to stop and he wouldn’t,” one homeless woman said. “Our friend thought it would be funny to get up and jump behind the Port-A-Potty and kick it.”

I mean, funny for everyone else, including a policeman who made a joke about the unidentified man having a “crappy day.” It probably wasn’t too funny for the dude covered in human excrement, though. Fortunately, he was physically fine and had some clothes to change into.

According to police, this was the first-ever incident of its kind. Can we get Guinness on the line? Is this a valid world record?

(Via Komo News h/t Death and Taxes)