This Newborn Baby Loves Cats More Than You Do

To help you get over the hump that is Wednesday, here’s a video of a newborn baby flailing about in absolutely pure, innocent excitement when she sees the family cat (who looks bigger than the infant, it’s worth mentioning) for the first time.

First, the baby emits a squeak of excitement as the cat walks around the crib that they momentarily share, then starts flapping her arms and legs and panting like a runner who has just won a marathon. It doesn’t help that she’s wearing a romper that makes her look like the most adorable bat in the world when she does this.

Later, she just has this priceless “Oh!” expression of surprise, when the cat walks on her for a second.

I would give anything to be able to experience the excitement at seeing something new for the first time like this baby does. That’s something that many adults, even the ones who also love cats, lose the ability to do.

The best part? The cat acts as any cat would do during this scene, with utter indifference. I guess unbridled joy is just lost on some animals, which is why we love cats in the first place.

(via Tastefully Offensive)