The Best Images And GIFs From Obama's Reddit Visit

Yesterday, Dino Stamatopoulos, best known as Starburns from Community, stopped by Reddit to participate in an Ask Me Anything. What’s that, you say? Someone else did, too? Well, is he or she cooler than Starburns? Oh, it was the motherf*cking President of the United States. That was unexpected. Sorry Alex, but you’re no Obama, though now I can’t stop thinking about the president walking around with a lizard on his shoulder.
But I digress: President Obama held a brief 30-minute AMA yesterday afternoon, in which he discussed beer, his favorite basketball player, and NASA, among other not-too-controversial topics. Many people are upset he didn’t discuss any “real” issues, like the lack of prosecutions following the 2008 financial crisis, but c’mon, this is Reddit we’re talking about. We go there to look at images of Tom Hanks acting like an idiot and cats. So many cats. (I am upset, though, that he didn’t answer “Biggie or Tupac?”) Speaking of, here is a collection of the best images and GIFs that Redditors made in the hours following Obama’s appearance.

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