The Latest ‘Gotham’ Promo Features Fresh, Frosty Footage Of Mr. Freeze In Action

Brace yourself, because Gotham is set to return and the second half of season 2, subtitled Wrath of the Villains, will feature even more Batman baddies. Specifically, it looks like the show will be focusing heavily on Mr. Freeze, or at least that’s what the wintery-themed promos airing non-stop on Fox would seem to indicate.

Freeze will be played by Nathan Darrow (House of Cards), who briefly appeared as the end of Gotham’s mid-season finale. The official Gotham: Wrath of the Villains poster also feature a shot of Mr. Freeze in costume, but we haven’t seen all that much of him in action yet.

Well Fox’s freeze on Freeze footage has faltered — the latest Gotham promo features a few glimpses of ol’ Blue Balls brandishing his trademark freeze gun…

Man, I don’t know about that hoodie and woolly hat look. It looks like that outfit would keep Mr. Freeze nice and toasty warm, which is the exact opposite of what his costume is supposed to do. I hate to say it, but Arnold Schwarzenegger’s outfit from Batman & Robin was significantly… cooler? Ice puns are the best puns.

The iceman cometh when Gotham makes its return Feb. 29 on Fox.

(Via Screen Rant)