This Couple’s Instagram Is So Steamy That Their ‘Artsy’ Photos Keep Getting Yanked

Within the flurry of self-indulgent food and tourism photos one usually finds on Instagram, some accounts are voyeuristic gems where one can easily lose themselves while scrolling. Australian couple Mitch Gobel and Sally Mustang have both crafted out solid audiences (he’s gathered 88,000 followers while she boasts 123,000). Both are painters with distinctive styles that somehow seem to blend into a cohesive unit. They both also practice the “sex is art” card, so their pictures tend to get a bit lurid.

To that end, Instagram has gone on a deleting spree for both accounts, for I guess some people don’t enjoy looking at two beautiful people having artsy, sex-ay time. Both Mitch and Sally claim to have been “deleted” and reported many times, but admit to crossing “boundaries” with a few photos. They’re a little upset about censorship, but also mourn the lost energy from setting the scenes. This NSFW image still stands, but the description will cause rampant blushing. These two also enjoy body painting.

Photos like these contain captions of their sex-ay time, which the masses appreciate. As long as these two aren’t pulling a Milli Vanilli with their art, they both appear to be talented painters who also have a way with words.

Here are some more photos from both Instagram accounts. These two enjoy a very interesting life together, and people enjoy watching it happen.

(Via BroBible)