This Guy Gets The Riot Act When He Calls In Sick To A Job He Doesn’t Even Work At

For some reason, this guy gets a kick out of calling into a place he does not work and telling them he’s not coming in that day. It doesn’t seem like much at first because he’s just calling in sick and most places won’t really press for a reason. But then he ups the ante by saying he just doesn’t feel like showing up because he wants to go fishing with his buddies.

This doesn’t sit well with “his manager” on the phone and she actually seems to feel like she’s got one up on her “employee.” Little does she know, there isn’t a Jordan that works at her store and if there is, he’s certainly not the one calling in sick.

I like how the lady on the phone never thinks twice about the entire thing being a gag. She likely won’t have a clue until she somehow sees this clip at some point, a real tragedy for anybody named Jordan in that electronics section. You see that, Internet? You mess around with real world jobs, think you’re having a goof, and attempting to go viral and all it leads to is tragedy.

The real Jordan is likely scaling a large building right now, prepping to jump.

(Via CanadianChestHair)