October 3rd Is Officially ‘Mean Girls’ Day On The Internet

Forces of nature seem to be veering us towards Tina Fey, Mean Girls, and even Lindsay Lohan lately so it only makes sense that today is October 3rd and everyone is super excited to share this GIF that I remember seeing once or twice on today’s date in years past. Clearly several industrious Tumbloggers had their calendars set for “meta” this morning because I’ve already seen it in more places than I can count.

I think it’s safe to assume that for the foreseeable future October 3rd will be known as Mean Girls day on the internet. I propose we celebrate by doing something noteworthy in the morning before wasting away the rest of the day with frivolous drug use and petulant behavior.

Feel free to share amongst your friends and pretend the connection came to you spontaneously.

UPDATE: Even Obama is in on the action.

This version via I’m With Kanye.