D.L. Hughley Drops A Scathing Quote About Fox News During A Live Interview With Megyn Kelly

Between the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by white police officers and the murder of five Dallas cops at the hands of a black power extremist, the past week and a half has been a terrible one. Hence why every cable news show imaginable has featured guests like comedian D.L. Hughley, who appeared on Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s Wednesday show to discuss what 52 percent of Americans consider an “extremely” or “very” serious problem. Race relations, especially when viewed through the context of police brutality. Needless to say, Kelly and Hughley’s chat didn’t go well.

Kelly emphasized “[letting] the evidence play out” in the investigations of Sterling and Castile’s deaths, as she thought the media’s (and the public’s) rash judgment of the police did more harm than not. Hughley disagreed:

“No matter what happens, no matter what we see, the cops are given a presumption of innocence. If that same tape showed a suspect doing something, that would be all the prosecution would need. They’d say, ‘All the evidence is right here.'”

This led to a brief tussle about Michael Brown and the results of the Justice Department’s Ferguson investigation, to which Hughley exclaimed “Wow!” When Kelly rebuffed the comedian, saying “don’t ‘wow’ me,” Hughley took issue with The Kelly File host’s telling him not to speak a certain way. Then he dropped his proverbial bomb:

“The only place racism doesn’t exist is Fox News and the police department.”

Obviously, Kelly took issue with Hughley’s assertion about her home network and warned him against “[painting] an entire group with the same brush based on the bad actions of a few.” The irony of the statement was seemingly lost on her, but Hughley didn’t miss a thing: “That is amazing to hear on this network.”

Despite the animosity between the two, and Hughley’s negative comments about Fox News, it seems the comedian will be visiting its sister network (Fox Business) on Thursday.

For the full exchange, check out the clip below.

(Via Mediaite)