Aaron Paul Freaked Out When He Spoke To Eleven From ‘Stranger Things’

Everyone loves Stranger Things. Netflix’s wonderful (but for one annoying problem) supernatural hit is one of the biggest shows of the summer; it’s inspired countless tributes and parodies; and no series in recent memory has done a better job at depicting childhood friendship. But no one loves Stranger Things as much as Aaron Paul, who was recently given the opportunity to interview Millie Bobby Brown by Elle, and he turned into a total fanboy.

After calling Eleven “one of the greatest characters to have ever graced the small screen,” the Breaking Bad and BoJack Horseman star asked Bobby Brown if she stole anything from the set. “No, I didn’t steal anything. I stole ideas. Does that count? I stole the idea for a record player, and I got that for Christmas,” she replied. “I mean, they gave us a painting when we wrapped. My last night shooting was the [pivotal] scene with Finn. And, as you can imagine, it was really awkward. We got off set and they were like, ‘We’ve got a present for you’: And it was a painting of us when we saw Will [Byers]’ body. It’s really amazing.” Paul had another important question.

On a scale from one to 10, how much do you love Eggo waffles?

[Long pause] Uhhhhh. D’you know what? I’m gonna say zero. They are absolutely disgusting.

I couldn’t agree with you more!

I liked them at first. I was like, ‘Oh! This isn’t too bad!’ It was just the amount of times I was doing it—seven or eight times. At first we had the blueberry and I was like, ‘This is nice! I like this!’ And then, ‘Okay. Now I need a spit bucket. I’m going to throw up.’ (Via)

Paul tried to get a scoop on Stranger Things season two, but Brown doesn’t know anything yet. She did, however, promise to direct message Paul on Twitter when she gets any news. “DO NOT TEASE ME!” he responded. “Don’t toy with my emotions, Millie. I just followed you on Twitter. Please follow me back. Make my life complete.” They even made plans to go to In-N-Out.

Yeah science, yeah Eleven!

(Via Elle)