An Uber Driver Documented His Craziest Rides And Compiled Them Into One Hilarious Video

Dash cams can be an important tool for Uber drivers to help protect them from drunk, unruly, or possibly even violent passengers. For driver Ryan Paul — not to be confused with Paul Ryan or Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad, as one passenger does — his dash cam is a source of comedy which he uses to capture some of his more, shall we say, “entertaining” passengers for his YouTube channel, “Ryan Is Driving” — which is actually a pretty brilliant business model if you think about it, because he’s getting paid to drive, and then makes money off the videos as well.

At any rate, in this video — which comprises just a few weeks in the life of an Uber driver — Ryan documents drunk people, multiple bachelorette parties, wedding guests, and at one point gets a crash course in Grindr. It pretty much goes without saying that language is often NSFW, and at one point you can almost make out a blurry Grindr dick pic, which the guy giving the lesson thoughtfully holds up to the dash cam.

Ryan writes that all of the people in his videos consent to being in his project, whether their identity is blurred or not. You can only imagine the ones who didn’t give consent to be on camera.