Jeff Goldblum Can’t Get Over Conan’s Abs In The Most Jeff Goldblum-y Interview Ever

I didn’t cover that naked shower fight video starring Conan O’Brien and Chelsea Handler from a couple weeks back as it would have required me to comment on Conan shirtless AND Chelsea Handler in general, and the task just seemed far too daunting. Well, LOTS of people have watched it. One of those people being everyone’s favorite not dead recipient of countless internet tributes, Jeff Goldblum. And of course he wanted to discuss how the hell an almost 50 year-old Conan O’Brien (who once looked like this) is the owner of a rather deceptively chiseled physique.

From there the interview just gets all nonsensical and Goldblum-y with close calls with cough drops and random accessory removal. It’s everything you could hope for from a Goldblum drop-in and just the sort of lighthearted fare that helps remind me all is not completely terrible.

Team Coco