What Is Matthew Modine Up To These Days, You Ask? Pwning Bill Simmons On Twitter, That's What!

There are a lot of people out there who can’t stand ESPN columnist/basketball studio analyst/Grantland honcho Bill Simmons. I am not one of those people. I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan, but I do enjoy his podcasts and columns from time to time.

On the flip side, I met Matthew Modine randomly in an NYC bar once and he COULD NOT HAVE BEEN NICER. Like, exceedingly, disgustingly nice. Like, bought me a drink and seemed genuinely curious about my life nice.

So, with that said, #TeamModine. Sorry, Simmons.

“Good luck with your life.” BUUUUUURRRRRNNNNNN. You just got Modine-d, Simmons.

Mission accomplished.

(Via USA Today)