Here Is A Video Of Dogs Riding In Cars To Brighten Even The Crappiest Day

Oh, what’s that — you’re having a crappy day? Well, join the club! But you know what almost always makes a crappy day less crappy? Dogs! (Seriously, get one!) And, as we’ve shown you previously, a montage of dogs riding in cars is like crappy day kryptonite.

So, here you go. You’re welcome!

And speaking of crappy days, someone you know may be having a crappy day, so share this video with them! And read this wonderful Jonathan Safran Foer essay on the importance of giving time, attention & empathy to others when you have a moment. An excerpt…

We often use technology to save time, but increasingly, it either takes the saved time along with it, or makes the saved time less present, intimate and rich. I worry that the closer the world gets to our fingertips, the further it gets from our hearts. It’s not an either/or — being “anti-technology” is perhaps the only thing more foolish than being unquestioningly “pro-technology” — but a question of balance that our lives hang upon.

Most of the time, most people are not crying in public, but everyone is always in need of something that another person can give, be it undivided attention, a kind word or deep empathy. There is no better use of a life than to be attentive to such needs. There are as many ways to do this as there are kinds of loneliness, but all of them require attentiveness, all of them require the hard work of emotional computation and corporeal compassion. All of them require the human processing of the only animal who risks “getting it wrong” and whose dreams provide shelters and vaccines and words to crying strangers.

This has been your UPROXX feel-good moment of the day. Carry on.

(Via Gawker)