Charlie Day Previews A Brand New ‘Always Sunny’ Pyramid Scheme Clip On ‘Conan’

As part of my ongoing duties as Charlie Day’s internet publicist I was planning to cover his visit to Conan last night even if he didn’t unveil an all-new Season 9 clip from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia that features Roddy Piper’s mostly braindead former pro wrestler Da’ Maniac and everyone’s favorite serviceman in jean shorts being pitched on a pyramid scheme that is in some way involves juice. Yeah, you should watch. That video is directly after the jump.

If that hadn’t happened the focus here would be on the second clip where Mr. Day talks about his Pacific Rim character going full Rick Moranis during stretches of the movie, and Conan and Andy proceed to hilarious deflate any notions that Charlie Day is an action star. Moral of the story: you should watch both.

Based on this snippet alone I think it’s safe to say we’re in for plenty of winks to previous misadventures in Sunny season 9. NEVER buy more than one camcorder tape. EVER. Assuming of course you’re like the gang and trapped in the early 2000s and still use camcorder tapes.

And here’s the convo clip. Come for the whole thing, stay for the Andy awesomeness at the 4:00 mark.

“Even among Asians he’s the little dude.” Perfect. I bet Richter drops a sweet bird burn on Kaitlin Olson whenever she drops by.

Team Coco