Talkback: ‘How I Met Your Mother’ – ‘Mom and Dad’

Last week’s “How I Met Your Mother” was just good enough – or, at least, reminiscent enough of olde-time “HIMYM” – for me to delay my plan to step back from regular reviewing. “Mom and Dad,” on the other hand, was pretty representative of season 9: lots of Farhampton Inn hijinks, lots of Marshall and Daphne in the car (albeit apparently bringing Daphne’s time on the show to an end), lots of Barney being more sociopath than man. So I’ll leave it to y’all to discuss the Beastie Boys homage, the Billy Zabka flashbacks, the Pineapple Incident callback and whatever else you’d like to about this one.

Next week: rhyming! Maybe I’ll have more to say; but if not, there won’t be hell to pay.

As for “Mom and Dad,” what did everybody else think?