’24’ seriously considered killing off Jack Bauer

“24” seriously considered killing off Jack Bauer
As exec producer Howard Gordon explains, “This has always been a show that is really about the days and the life of this man and no day is probably as intense as a person”s last day. So killing Jack was something that was intriguing to us all but it had to be done just right. And that didn”t present itself to us.” PLUS: How producers arrived at that ending, Tzi Ma says: “You couldn't ask for anything better,” “Live Another Day” was a terrific season of TV, Kiefer Sutherland deserves credit for the powerful finale, and this season played like “Jack Bauer”s Greatest Hits.”

Facebook to begin tracking its users” TV habits for Nielsen
Starting this fall, Facebook will track users who watch TV via their cellphone or tablet.

Judd Apatow tells fired “SNL”-er Brooks Wheelan he”ll have a Robert Downey Jr.-type post-“SNL” career
Downey was let go from “Saturday Night Live,” too. Wheelan”s response: “thanks man! I'm gonna take this time to formally submit myself for the Ironman reboot in 2021 and the Chaplin reboot in 2032.”

Matt Lauer & Savannah Guthrie did the “Today” show this morning from Howard Stern”s studio
Matt and Savannah did a simulcast this morning from the shock jock”s couch.

Jenny McCarthy calls “The View” a “stepping stone,” reveals she”s been unhappy on the panel
McCarthy said in an interview with Howard Stern: “I”ll tell you something Howard, it”s like halfway into it, it was probably around February, I went, ‘God I”m not allowed to be the best of me here.””

Ian Ziering helps promote Sprout”s “Sharknado” week
The channel for preschoolers is having a “Sprout-Nado” this week.

HBO developing a movie with Frank Gifford on the 1958 Giants-Colts NFL Championship game
The overtime game that put the NFL on the map is the subject of Gifford”s “The Glory Game,” which HBO has optioned.

Conan O”Brien buys a billboard to promote his cameo on “Sharktopus vs. “Pteracuda”
“I”m going to be a movie star,” says Conan.

Kate McKinnon: I got into a little bit of trouble over my “SNL” cat shelter sketch
McKinnon tells Seth Meyers she had been at a real cat shelter the week before, and was accused of doing research.

“Switched at Birth” boss explains last night”s sad episode
“I shied away for the longest time for all the obvious reasons,” says exec producer Lizzy Weiss.

Lena Dunham going on tour to promote her book
The “Not Kind of Girl” tour will include a stop in Iowa, where her “Girls” character is attending college.