Tell us what you thought of ‘Interstellar’

Well this one is ready to burst. “Interstellar” is here – on film, anyway. Those eager to check it out in 35mm, 70mm or 70mm IMAX can do so now, with all formats blazing on Friday. We have chewed on it plenty around here. We've talked to Matthew McConaughey (with more to come). We've heard from Christopher Nolan. HitFix's Drew McWeeny was positive. After a second look, so was I, both of us with reservations. That seems to be the pattern with most responses.

But who cares what a bunch of people who got to see it early thought? You get your crack at it now. I'll be very curious to see what the response is from general audiences. And the box office race this weekend should be an interesting to watch. I'm betting a number of people will be shocked Sunday morning if “Big Hero 6” comes out on top. But forget all that. Just head on back here with your “Interstellar” thoughts as soon as you have 'em. Let us know if the wait, and the hype, was worth it, and remember to vote in our poll.