Why Is The Home Depot Apologizing To Everyone On Twitter Right Now?

There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds and even millions, of people in America who claim that they are social media experts and managers, and companies pay them good salaries to run Facebook and Twitter accounts for them to stretch their brands to all corners of the globe and Internet. However, a lot of those “experts” lack what the hip kids call “common sense” and they often post things that are meant to be humorous or clever without realizing that it can be viewed as offensive. After all, 99.999%* of anything and everything is offensive to someone on the Internet.

For example, the folks at the Home Depot, a worldwide leader in home improvement and do-it-yourself, might be checking in on their own social media managers this evening, as someone posted a College Gameday picture earlier that caused quite a stir in @HomeDepot’s mentions. The picture was quickly deleted, but this is the Internet. Nothing is ever truly deleted.

I don’t think I need to explain this one. So if you were thinking of checking out Home Depot’s Twitter right now for the latest home renovation tips, save yourself some time, because it looks a lot like this:

*The .001%? This cat eating a banana.

(Original banner via, screen grab of the bad Tweet via)