Today Is Jay Z’s 44th Birthday And He’s Going Vegan, So Let’s Remember His 1st Blistering Times Review

Jay Z was born on this day in 1969, 44 years ago. To mark the occasion, the Times tweeted out the first review the paper ever did of one of his records, Jay’s second offering, In My Lifetime Vol. I. It was less than flattering.

In other Jay Z news, he’s going vegan — also known as “the full Brooklyn” — at least for the next 22 days, and Beyonce is joining him in the effort. Here’s a note he posted to his website last night announcing the temporary lifestyle change.

Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you’ve found the way.

On December 3rd, one day before my 44th birthday I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based!! This all began a few months back when a good friend and vegan challenged me to embrace a “plant-based breakfast” everyday. It was surprisingly easier on me than I thought…

Why now? There’s something spiritual to me about it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day…It just feels right!

So you can call it a spiritual and physical cleanse. I will post my progress… Any professional vegans out there that have any great food spots please help out! Please ha. I don’t know what happens after Christmas. A semi-vegan, a full plant-based diet? Or just a spiritual and physical challenge? We’ll see…

Best of luck and health!

P.S. B is also joining me.

At the end of his post, Jay linked to his friend’s vegan website. Surely, this is all part of some bizarre Illuminati conspiracy to murder Paul Walker because he knew too much about the disaster in the Philippines. Surely.

(HT: Dashiell Bennett)