Don Cheadle Is Bringing His War Machine To ‘The Avengers: Age Of Ultron’?

Yesterday Bleeding Cool reported a rumor about Don Cheadle playing some part in The Avengers: Age of Ultron as War Machine. Now Hitfix is confirming the rumor and adding War Machine will play “a key role in the conflict with Ultron that is the main focus of the sequel” which opens May 1st, 2015.

Maybe this will give Don Cheadle enough superhero cred to get those much-needed Captain Planet movies greenlit. And it’s about time they expanded Rhodey’s role in this thing. After all, Robert Downey Jr. doesn’t work cheap, but Don Cheadle can still bring the cool mech suit to the fight while accepting less money than Terrence Howard.

(Pictures courtesy of Marvel and jacobs64.)