Garth Ennis reuniting with Goran Parlov for Punisher miniseries

(CBR) After teasing it in August, Garth Ennis has reaffirmed his inevitable return to the world of Frank Castle.

In an interview with Comic Book Resources promoting Titan Comics” “Battle Classics” collection, which Ennis is curating, the writer dropped some new details about his as-yet unscheduled Punisher miniseries.

“I finished it last summer,” Ennis said. “I think [artist] Goran Parlov is finishing up another story before he gets stuck in.” Parlov, who teamed previously with Ennis on the recently concluded 13-issue “Fury MAX” and the Marvel MAX volume of “The Punisher”, is now working with writer Mark Millar on the Image Comics series “Starlight”.

Ennis first wrote Frank Castle in 1995′s “Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe”, and has since tackled the vigilante in a number of series and miniseries, based both in and out of Marvel”s mainstream continuity. His most recent turn with the character in the 2009 weekly “Punisher” “War Zone”, illustrated by his frequent collaborator, Steve Dillon.

Marvel had no comment on the project, echoing its statement when word of the project first surfaced in 2013: “Stay tuned.”