Justin Timberlake to host ‘Saturday Night Live’ season finale

“Saturday Night Live” has set a host for this season’s finale on May 21, and it’s none other than Justin Timberlake.

The news was delivered in a tweet that has since disappeared, but the Huffington Post (and, presumably, quite a few others) made a note of it.

The musician-actor has become somewhat of a regular fixture on the show in recent years, as he has hosted several times before, and made a number of cameo appearances. Likewise, he will appear the new album “Turtlenecks and Chains,” from the “SNL”-derived comedy music group Lonely Island.

On the big screen, Timberlake recently starred in “The Social Network,” and will soon be seen in “Bad Teacher,” opposite his real life ex Cameron Diaz.

Can’t wait ’til May 21? Watch the classic “Dick in a Box” video below until then: