Let’s Talk Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Gotham’ Goes Rogue, ‘Supergirl’ Comes Out

Last week on Gotham, Barnes went full Vic Mackey, an engagement party was ruined, and both Nygma and Penguin discovered a new low in unhealthy relationships. This episode, it appears we’ll be seeing the fallout of Barnes deciding to become a cross between the Hulk and the Punisher. Oh, wait, those are Marvel characters. Er, Loose Cannon and… um, Azrael when he was Batman for a while?

Anyway, this episode will also pick up this season’s weirdest plotline, which is Poison Ivy getting aged up by a youth-stealing supervillain, as she reveals herself to Bruce and Selina. We’ll see just how Ivy crashes that unhealthy relationship at 8pm EST on Fox.

Meanwhile, in a much happier and more outside of the DC television universe:

Uh, maybe we spoke too soon. On the other hand, that’s clearly the classic Superman villain Parasite showing up on Supergirl, who has always been something of a dark character, what with his need to suck up life-energy to survive, so Kara getting into a fight with him should be fun. Still, that is some pretty serious body horror, right there. We liked Parasite better when he was just purple and running around in his underpants. Hopefully, that trailer isn’t indicative of his pants status, but we’ll find out tonight at 8pm EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?