Sean Spicer Makes The Bewildering Claim That ‘There’s No One Really Questioning’ Trump Nominees’ Qualifications

On Thursday, incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed possible concerns about the speed of Trump cabinet confirmation hearings. The hearings themselves are flying at a whirlwind pace ahead of Inauguration Day with as many as three per day. They have also been action packed with some nominees getting grilled more than others, so the actual confirmations may resolve more slowly than the president-elect would prefer.

Some nominees, including education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, health and human services nominee Tom Price, energy secretary nominee Rick Perry, and EPA appointee Scott Pruitt, have had their qualifications come into question, which has produced some some contentious hearings. But Spicer said he’s not worried about their resumes and is more concerned with pushing forward as fast as possible.

“It’s important that we get these individuals up and front. There’s no one really questioning their qualifications, their caliber, their ability to lead their department or their understanding and grasp of the issues. These are amazing individuals that have a commitment to enacting an agenda of change. So my message is simply, let’s get it done.”

So in essence, Sean Spicer would like Congress to stop vetting now and just get these people to their posts. This tactic may only highlight how the Trump team could have been hasty with some of its nominations.