‘Supergirl’ Promotes Lena Luthor, Kate McGrath, To Series Regular

Over the last season of Supergirl, Katie McGrath has stood out as unlikely Superfriend Lena Luthor. And it turns out that Lena will have more to contribute to the next season, as McGrath has been promoted to series regular for season three of the CW’s cheeriest superhero show.

Luthor, if you haven’t been following the show, isn’t a big bad. Well, at least not that we know of yet. Instead, the half-sister of Lex has taken over Baldy’s company, renamed it to L Corp, and deals with her alien-hating terrorist mom Lillian. Lena’s been through a lot of crap this season, and the show’s probably not done with her just yet, but McGrath has done a good job as a corporate executive dealing with her family’s terrible relationship and some fairly nasty mommy issues.

The show has hinted Lena isn’t all sweetness and light here and there, mostly by showing she’s good at chess and implying she’s playing a larger game against her family. But, hey, Supergirl will need all the help she can get, and it’ll be interesting to see where Lena fits in on a team that largely doesn’t trust her. Now, the only question is, can McGrath participate in any musical episodes?

(via Deadline)