Because This Week Hasn’t Been Wacky Enough, Trump Is Trolling Rosie O’Donnell On Twitter Now

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President Trump’s still under a massive amount of scrutiny for his abrupt firing of James Comey, which was almost certainly aimed at crushing the FBI’s Russia probe. Today, the Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe — while debunking Trump claims that Comey had lost the faith of the bureau — insisted the show investigation will go on, so what is Trump left to do?

The president has once again resorted to airing his grievances on Twitter. He’s been doing so all day, but in the process, he has revealed that he found someone who agrees with him over the need to fire Comey. Of course, he’s taking this assertion out of context, since this was a tweet made by Rosie O’Donnell in 2016.

He was actually retweeting one of her replies about Huma Abedin’s emails and Comey’s decision to reopen the Clinton email probe just prior to the election. Rosie called the decision “utterly unjustified” after Comey announced (for the second time) that the FBI found no criminality regarding Clinton’s private email server.

Of course, the fact that Trump retweeted one of Rosie’s replies sounds a little … suspicious. How far back would someone have to dig in a timeline to find a specific reply? Unless someone from the Trump team just happened to be surfing the Trump subreddit? Rosie’s tweet apparently got posted there a short while before Trump retweeted about it.

And to make this all even more bizarre, Politico’s Ben Schreckinger reminded everyone that he once wrote about how the Trump campaign actively monitors the Trump subreddit, but they completely denied doing so. Busted.