Everyone’s Embracing This Uncomfortable Photo Of Marco Rubio Hugging Ivanka Trump

Like the proverbial apple not falling far from the tree (although don’t mention that word around him), President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka has given, let’s say, mixed messages when it comes to paid family leave.

During the presidential election, she ensured that “when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out,” but Trump Organization employees “all said that they do not offer workers paid maternity leave,” while a former executive for Ivanka’s clothing company revealed she and her colleagues had to fight “long and hard” in order to secure eight weeks of paid leave.

On Tuesday, Ivanka visited Capitol Hill to discuss paid family leave with Marco Rubio and Deb Fischer, among others. Both senators “have been leaders within their party on family leave,” according to Politico, with Fischer having recently reintroduced a bill “that would give tax credits to companies that offer paid leave for employees.” Ivanka’s proposal, meanwhile “would impose a mandate on businesses.” Rubio and the First Daughter are still trying to reach a shared middle-ground, which might explain this very awkward photo taken by Associated Press congressional correspondent Erica Werner.

Yup, just a totally normal hug shared by two humans.




(Via Politico and Twitter)