Ted Cruz Whines About His Twitter Porn Fiasco: ‘The Media And The Left Seem Obsessed With Sex’

Ted Cruz hopped on CNN to further discuss the late-night porn viewing habits of one of his “staff members” after eagle-eyed Twitter users noticed that Cruz’s account had clicked “like” on a hardcore porn clip. He described the incident as a “screw up” and said the staffer has been punished but refused to name the porn aficionado in question. Then he went on an odd rant about the liberal media’s “obsession” with sex. Odd, because it was coming from Ted Cruz, the man who once decided Texas needed to be saved from the state-wide scourge of sex toys.

In the above clip, Cruz comments took an unexpected turn when he began to extol on the rights of consenting adults to get as frisky or freaky as they want in the bedroom. Dana Bash asked if he was “officially saying that Ted Cruz is ok with people buying sex toys?” Cruz responded that the “media and the left seem obsessed with sex.” He said, “Let people do what they want.”

That was more than a little surprising coming from a man whose own preferences include chucking campaign ads that accidentally feature former soft core actresses and whose office once released a brief questioning the right of Texans to “promote dildos, vibrators, and other obscene devices.” In fact, he was ready to take on the constitutional rights of all Americans to masturbate freely. “There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship,” declared the Cruz camp in 2007.

In the below clip, Cruz insisted, “It was not me.” Eager to reassure the public that he wasn’t the porn-watching perp, he added, “It’s not going to happen again. This was a screw up … [the staffer] hit the wrong button.”

Maybe Cruz was so quick to describe the act as “a screw up” that was decidedly “not malicious” because the act featured in the tweet was by a duo, rather than solo. Or perhaps Cruz has loosened up in the past ten years — either that or his staffer’s slip has caused him to have a change of heart about what constitutes obscenity. No matter what inspired Cruz’s comments, the folks over at Sexuall Posts are thrilled at his newfound compassion.


(Via CNN)