‘Arrow’ Celebrates Thanksgiving On This Week’s Geeky TV

Last week on Arrow, Deathstroke learned that his children are very disappointed in him and also they are doing his steroids. And now Ollie goes straight from awkward family reunion to even more awkward family events on a very special Thanksgiving episode.

Yes, they are airing an episode on Thanksgiving, not that anybody will be watching. It’s an interesting choice not least because they’ve got their massive crossover happening next week, so they’re getting the rest of the season set up. And it appears Ollie’s political career will be front and center.

Now that he’s back, Ollie’s back in trouble with city politics, but they either need to introduce a credible candidate for mayor who isn’t a terrorist, a supervillain, or murdered before the first ad break or they need to start giving Star City some realistic problems Ollie is failing to solve. Fixing this Dumpster fire of a city should be consuming Ollie’s entire life but apparently he can mail it in and run off with buddies, which is a bit odd. Far more credible are Ollie’s family problems because, man, this poor kid Ollie’s fathered/adopted needs a better dad. We’ll see if he gets a happy Thanksgiving tonight at 9pm ET on the CW. Join us, won’t you?