TV Avalanche Podcast, Episode 55: ‘Atlanta,’ ‘Good Girls,’ ‘McMafia’ & More


Welcome to another episode of TV Avalanche, where Brian Grubb and I try to sort out the best, worst, and most interesting things happening in Peak TV.

After last week’s all-Mad Men extravaganza, it’s back to business as usual. The Olympics are over, which means TV is super busy again, and we’ve got reviews of four different shows. First up: the long-awaited return of Atlanta. Did Donald Glover and company avoid the sophomore slump? After that, we look at NBC’s Good Girls (which I wrote about last week), starring Christina Hendricks, Mae Whitman, and Retta as moms who turn to a life of crime; McMafia (which Brian wrote about here), an international crime drama; and Hulu’s limited series adaptation of The Looming Tower, about the events leading up to 9/11.

After that, it’s extended mailbag time, with questions about great pilots, greater mustaches, maple syrup heists, and more.

As always, you can send questions to, or tweet with the hashtag #TVAvalanche.

You can also follow the podcast directly on Twitter. Uproxx now has a dedicated TV Avalanche page with links to all the ways you can subscribe, but just in case, the podcast is available on iTunes (please rate and review if you haven’t already), Stitcher, Google Play, and Android. You can also stream it below or download it from SoundCloud. Our theme song is “Brundlefly” by The Zombie Dandies, which you can download here.

The rundown:

0:00-7:25 Intro
7:25-16:25 Atlanta
16:25-24:40 Good Girls
24:40-32:20 McMafia
32:20-42:08 The Looming Tower
42:08-end Listener mail