Seth Meyers Was (Almost) At A Loss For Words Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Latest ‘National Divorce’ Nuttery

Marjorie Taylor Greene is just over two years into her job as a member of the House of Representatives, but has managed to stir up more controversy and grab more headlines than lawmakers with 10 times her longevity. From the “gazpacho police” to complaining that she’s forced to work too many hours for too little pay, Greene has done a lot of complaining during her 25 months as a Georgia congresswoman. But her recent call for a “national divorce” (on Presidents Day of all days) has left even some of her most prolific critics feeling gobsmacked. Case in point: Seth Meyers.

On Monday night, Meyers resumed his position behind the Late Night desk, and wanted to talk about Fox News’ ill-advised decision to let Marge go on the air and talk with Sean Hannity about the details for exactly how this whole “unhinged” divorce thing will work, which she seems to believe is the only way for our country to actually operate given the extreme divide between Republicans and everyone else. But even Hannity seemed doubtful that such a thing was possible, and asked Greene about its feasibility when he inquired, “Do you expect it will happen?” Which is when Greene’s argument started to fall apart.

“Well, I think it’s something we should work towards, because it’s kind of the vision that our Founding Fathers had for America,” Greene stated. Which, given that she was talking about the founding fathers of the UNITED States of America, didn’t seem to make much sense. And left Meyers momentarily perplexed:

A National Divorce? ‘A National Divorce was the VISION of the Founding Fathers. I know, because I time-traveled in a semi-conscious state and talked to them.’

How about this? This will be the compromise: Instead of Red States getting a divorce from Blue States, America gets a divorce from Greene? She’s definitely dressed for it. Remember when she showed up to the State of the Union screaming at Joe Biden in a white fur collar, like she was demanding sole custody of the Maltese?

You can watch the full clip above, beginning around the 11:05 mark.