People And Animals Get Distorted In The Haunting Art Of Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

Marcus Gunnar Pettersson’s art has surreal quality, faces and limbs get distorted and warped but still appear as solid as if the people he is drawing were made of tree roots.  The effect is wonderful and compliments the sad longing he gives his creations.  We got a chance to speak with Pettersson via email. Keep reading to check out our interview and some of our favorites of Pettersson’s work.

Gamma Squad: Your work has a haunting quality, is that something you actively cultivate?
Marcus Gunnar Pettersson: Actually yes. The true expression in my drawings are really “cute and furry animals”. I have to try hard to not get there, so I make everything a little scary instead. Like me, I dont wanna be too nice either.
GS: Who are some of the artists that you look to for inspiration? What attracts you to their work?
MGP: It has always been hard to have people as inspiration, I can’t remember any names at all. So I just look at something I like. Conversations, nature, blogs, everything that is nice. A blog that I like is But Does It Float.
GS: Some of your pieces are listed as being from a Post-it competition, can you tell me a bit about that?
MGP: It was no competition, it was a show in Barcelona (something very corporate). I have no idea what it was but I made the drawings and sent them away! Haha. Anything to help an exhibition work.
GS: I found your work through Deviant Art, do you find it is easier for an artist to build a following online? How as being online affected your work?
MGP:Yes, and no. It is easier to show everywhere in the world over the Internet, but it is harder to stay remembered.
Has it affected my work? I guess so, but I don’t know how. I think people affects me much more, what they think and say.

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson


By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson

By Marcus Gunnar Pettersson