What's Marvel Putting In Theaters in 2014?

Movie studios book release dates years ahead of time: it allows them to plan marketing campaigns and budget their movies. Marvel just claimed May 16th and June 27th…but didn’t offer any titles.

We know it’s not “X-Men”, “Daredevil”, “Ghost Rider”, or “Spider-Man”, especially since “The Amazing Spider-Man” already has a sequel booked for 2014, and they’re all owned by other studios anyway. Nor are they “Thor”, “Iron Man”, or “Captain America” sequels: those are all scheduled for 2012 or 2013. That still leaves, oh, most of the Marvel Universe, but remember: Marvel is all about “The Avengers” these days. So let’s break down the odds:

  • Dr. Strange: Practically guaranteed. Marvel’s actively developing it, with a script delivered, and they’re looking for a director. If the comics suddenly make Strange an Avenger, this is in the bag.
  • Ant-Man: Strong possibility, both because he’s tied to the Avengers, and supposedly Edgar Wright has finally, finally delivered a script, meaning it’s up to Marvel to pull the trigger.
  • Nick Fury: If Marvel’s not doing this in 2014, they’re doing this at some point. Sam Jackson has a nine-picture deal with Marvel, and so far they’ve only used up six of those (seven if he’s in “Iron Man 3”). Also, it’d be fun and fairly cost-effective.
  • Black Panther: A possibility. However, movie studios tend to be leery of movies with black leads that aren’t serious dramas about race starring Denzel Washington, or action movies starring Samuel L. Jackson.
  • Black Widow: Also a possibility, but I think a lot depends on how “The Avengers” does: Scarlett Johansson isn’t the huge movie star everybody thought she was.
  • Hawkeye: Maybe a possibility as well, but it seems like Marvel is only knocking around the idea of a Hawkeye movie right now instead of putting any real money into it. Again, it depends on whether “The Avengers” cleans house and whether Jeremy Renner’s star gets brighter.
  • Hulk: Unlikely, both because Universal still has the rights, and because first they tried it as a fancy art movie that gets far less respect than it deserves, and then as a crappy, bland action movie. They both performed exactly the same financially and with critics. There’s a reason Marvel’s going for a Hulk TV show instead of a third movie.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: No freaking chance. Come on. This is like Marvel knocking around a Killraven movie; somebody brought it up, but it’s never actually happening, likely because it has a talking raccoon. It’s more likely the Great Lakes Avengers will get their own movie than this.

What about you, true believers? Anything you think we missed?

[ via the calendar men at Latino Review ]