Of Course Joe Scarborough Had Something To Say About Quentin Tarantino Suing Gawker

When Quentin Tarantino decided to sue Gawker over the leaked “Hateful Eight” script, you just knew it would be covered by the news networks since it has all the makings of a Cable News story:

1. It exists.
2. It makes people want to shout.

So when MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, apparently on a Casual Tuesday broadcast, brought it up on Morning Joe, we were once again reminded how funny it is when old people talk about the internet. Take a look:

Here’s the choice quotes:

“I don’t even understand that story. Who’s going to sue Gawker?”

“Let Gawker be Gawker. Leave Gawker alone!”

First off, OH HAI Mika Brzezinski’s sweater dress. Second, I think someone needs to inform Joe that Tarantino is suing the management of Gawker, not the actual website.

“How do you sue a website Mika? I mean it’s not wearing a suit? Is it a Republican or Democrat website? How can you tell? Do laptops have lawyers?”

More importantly though, I can’t decide if Scarborough looks more like Bradley Whitford of Kelsey Grammar. I literally spent 10, maybe 20 seconds trying to figure that out.

Image via Getty Images
via TheWrap