The 10 Definitive George Clooney Movie GIFs

I don’t have much of an idea what The Descendants is about but I dig Alexander Payne movies (Klein was da bomb in Election, yo!) and Clooney appears to be doing a variation of his quirky Coen Brothers thing so count me in. In fact the trailer has so much Cloon quirkiness I can’t help but wonder if Payne isn’t attempting to pull a Dan Harmon and create as many GIF-able moments as possible (sans the Annie’s boobs part).
The above GIF was improved by Reddit and the nine other finest Clooney movie GIFs follow. I clarify “movie” because there’s a lot swoon media out there that anyone who has ever seen me chat up a single mom knows ain’t my thang.
Oh yeah, a couple at the end get kind of graphic so if you’re someone who gets irate over Sasha Grey reading children’s books turn back now.

From my favorite Burn after Reading scene…

From my second favorite…

Bonus! My take on the Cloon’s latest relationship