Spielberg likes mo-cap too: New picture from TinTin

HOLY CRAP, IT’S A STILL PICTURE FROM A SPIELBERG MOVIE, TRY TO CONTROL YOURSELVES! The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (trailer here), Spielberg’s motion-capture adaptation of the über-popular Hergé comic I’d never heard of, opens December in the US, and October in Europe.  Hopefully it will be more representative of the writing team (Edgar Wright, Attack the Block director Joe Cornish, and British TV writer Steven Moffat) than it will of Spielberg, whose last two films were Indiana Jones 4 and what looks like an earnest adaptation of “Simple Jack“, or the fact that it’s motion-capture. The motion-capture FX don’t look horrible, but that seems like that’s the best you can hope for with motion-capture, which is why I don’t really see the upside.  Either animate it or don’t, dudes. Not to mention, Hergé’s drawings always had dots for eyes, which seems weird to replace with notoriously creepy mo-cap eyes. Anyway, not having read the source material, the film seems to be about a well-dressed youth who reads books to his dog.  Jeez, is that all they did in the 50s?

[Animati via ThePlaylist]