Facebook Helped The Abandoned 'Burger King Baby' Reunite With Her Biological Mom

Twenty-eight years ago, Katheryn Deprill was only a few hours old when she was abandoned by her mother in a Burger King bathroom in Allentown, Pennsylvania. According to CNN, “Deprill’s birth mother had been raped while traveling in another country and become pregnant,” which resulted in Katheryn, who was left in a location “where the baby would be found and cared for.” That doesn’t excuse what her mother did, and most kids would still be too furious to want to reconnect with the person WHO LEFT YOU IN A BURGER KING BATHROOM. But Katheryn’s more forgiving than most, so she took to Facebook for help.

Katheryn wrote, “Please help me find her by sharing my post. Maybe she will see this.” She did.

“They immediately hugged,” said Jim Waldron, an attorney who arranged the meeting at the request of Deprill’s birth mother told CNN affiliate WFMZ. “It was exciting, emotional, dramatic.”

The reunion was also attended by Deprill’s adoptive mom and her birth mom’s husband.

Deprill declined to identify her birth mom, saying “she did not want to be in the limelight.” (Via)

Meanwhile, Kim lost North in one of her Burger Kings after staring at her reflection for too long.