Louis C.K. Is Donating 25% Of The Profits From His Online Special To Charity

Just in case you didn’t already find Louis C.K. nearly impossible not to love, he’s gone and made it even harder for those who don’t or might be wavering: Louis announced last night on Jimmy Fallon’s show that he’ll be donating 25% of the profits he takes in from his new comedy special — a figure that stands at roughly $280,000 at present — to charity.

“It made a lot of money…yesterday we hit a million bucks,” the comedian told Fallon. “That’s too much money. I’ve never had a million dollars in my life…so I took $280,000 and donated it to a bunch of charities.”

Louis also said that he took a quarter of the profits and gave people who’ve worked for him for a while very nice holiday bonuses. What a swell guy!

(HT: Splitsider)