Bill Murray Invaded 'The Late Show' To Take An Incredible Selfie With Lady Gaga and David Letterman

UPDATE: Full Coverage of Bill Murray Hijacking ‘Letterman’

Bill Murray apparently carries a bucket list around with him at all times in search of things to add and check off. He brought it to The Late Show in an effort to finally fulfill his dream of meeting Lady Gaga and luckily, the stars aligned. Then they took an awkward selfie with each other.

Sure, this might’ve just been an elaborate ruse to introduce Lady Gaga to the show and transition everyone across the street for her concert performance. Too bad I have a wild imagination and I like to believe that Bill Murray stormed the Ed Sullivan Theater, forced his way onto the set and made his dreams come true. He’s done weirder things on Letterman in the past.

Also Paul Shaffer’s jacket is spectacular and I need to buy one. It’s what I plan on wearing to my funeral.

(Via The Late Show)