‘You Did Not Eat That’ Mocks Gorgeous Models And The Food They’re Not Having

You can’t have it both ways, pretty people.

You can’t be gorgeous and tiny and earn millions of dollars, AND gorge on large orders of In-N-Out burgers and fries. That’s for US, the not-gorgeous and not-tiny and not-earning millions of dollars schmucks of the world, to enjoy. But it’s not like they’re eating that gooey slice of pizza, anyway; they’re using it as a social media prop, to show their Followers they’re a greaseball just like you.

Except they’re not, and that’s why You Did Not Eat That exists.

Speaking the truth in this mixed up world of too many macarons and ice cream cones used as props. Because really… (Via)

The person running the account is anonymous, but thanks to an interview with the Cut, we know she’s a, well, a “she,” and that she’s “worked in media and fashion for almost ten years.” And in that time, she’s seen negative-three models eat a normal-sized cupcake, probably. Here’s some of her work.

Via You Did Not Eat That