Conan Sent Billy Eichner To The Super Bowl, Hilarity Ensued

As regular UPROXX readers know, we’re big fans of Billy Eichner around here. We were fans of his Fuse game show — in which he excitedly shouts questions to strangers on the street — when it was but a wee little web show, and it’s only seems to have gotten better. In other words, if you aren’t already on the Billy Eichner bandwagon, I’d like to offer you my hand in helping you jump on.

In such, Conan sent Eichner to the Super Bowl to, well, be Billy Eichner. What did this consist of, you ask? Oh, just stuff like asking a cheerleader on the field for cocaine during the game, in addition to conducting postgame, on-the-field interviews with celebrating Giants players in which he asked what they thought of Madonna’s halftime show.

Seriously, if this doesn’t convince you to jump aboard the bandwagon, I don’t think anything will.