A Mom Was Kicked Out Of A Concert For Having Her Baby In The Pit

Megan Christopherson got in trouble with the law this week for bringing her four-month-old infant to see Brad Paisley with her at the Sleep Train Amphitheatre in San Diego. No, it’s not because subjecting your kids to country music is a form of child abuse — rather, THE MAN booted them from the show because they were in the mosh pit area, much too close to speakers for someone so young.

Officers said the child could have been crushed from a potential crowd surge or could’ve been impacted by the loud noise coming from the nearby speakers.

“Your child doesn’t have hearing protection on. The crowd is going to start surging forward. Where you’re at, your child could get crushed,” a security officer told the mother on the video. “We’re afraid of your child’s eardrums being hurt.” (Via)

Meanwhile, Christopherson, who recorded her entire interaction with the police, believes she was escorted from the venue because she was breastfeeding her daughter.

In the video, the mother told the security officer that other security personnel had allegedly told her to stop breastfeeding her child due to complaints from fellow concertgoers.

“A security guard came and took a picture of me,” the mother said.

However, the officer insisted, “This has nothing to do with breastfeeding.” (Via)

Two different people, two different stories. It’s like Rashomon! (Except set in San Diego, and about boobs, and with songs about beer and sadness playing in the background Other than that, identical.)