Lil Wayne – Dedication 5 Mixtape

Lil Wayne’s been here before. At this point where he either puts out the type of project that retains fans or pushes them away. In fact, it happened with Dedication 4 and, in the aftermath of that project and all that followed, I’d wager that he ended up doing more pushing away than pulling in when it came to fans – both old and new.

And here we are again with Dedication 5.

The only major difference leading up to his last in the series is he hasn’t warmed audiences up with material from the tape. The most we’ve really heard is Lil Weezer saying sorry for sucking and vowing to do better. Instead of going the traditional route, he’s decided to lay it all out at once to be consumed. So, the only way to find out what D5 and the immediate future hold for Wayne is to stream or download it below.

DownloadLil Wayne – Dedication 5 Mixtape (Hosted By DJ Drama) | Alt. Link

Previously: On Lil Wayne, ‘Dedication 5? & The Jordan Dome | Lil Wayne’s Sorry For Being An Awful Rapper, Vows Improvement