Resident Evil Roundup — New Details and Screens for Resident Evil 6, and Info About a Possible RE: Revelations Sequel

Itching for some new Resident Evil 6 information? Well, the latest issue of Playstation Magazine delivered just that — here are some of the new tidbits revealed in PSM…

– The game will feature the return of multiple campaigns, which you can play in any order similar to the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. This time there will actually be three campaigns, one starring Leon, one starring Chris and one starring Sherry and Jake (the son of series villain, Albert Wesker).

– Zombies can carry pipes, axes and guns which you can steal and turn against them Double Dragon-style.

– Mercenaries mode will come with the game — no unlocking or DLC required.

– You can now move white shooting, use cover, and dive to the ground and shoot from your back.

Despite all this extra maneuverability, RE6 director Yoshiaki Hirabayashi says the game will actually be significantly less action-based than RE5. I guess we shall see. Hit the jump to check out some new screenshots of Resident Evil 6 and some rumors about a possible new 3DS Resident Evil game…

A shot of the action-packed “dinner eating” portion of the game.

Guys with sacks on their heads are just a Resident Evil thing now.

As I already mentioned, there’s also rumors going around that Capcom is already working on a sequel to Resident Evil: Revelations, which is great news because Revelations was awesome. Apparently the game will be called Resident Evil: Downfall, take place between Resident Evil 5 and 6, star Claire Redfield, and come packaged with the Resident Evil CGI movies, Damnation and Degeneration. I could do without the movies, but everything else, especially the return of Claire as a playable character, sounds terrific to me.

I have to say, I’m still a little cautious about Resident Evil 6, but the more I learn about the game, the more confident I am that RE6, and the whole Resident Evil series in general, is headed in a good direction.

via Gamers XTREME, ENIZR, 360 Magazine & TechTroid