This Autistic Man Is Completely Renovating His Home Into An Elaborate Cat Playground

A 49-year-old Minnesota man with Asperger Syndrome, Greg Krueger, has spent the past fifteen years turning his home into an elaborate, maze-filled playground for his cats — complete with winding passageways, cat walks and tunnels carved through walls leading from one room of the house to another. Thankfully, while you might expect someone like Krueger to be cat hoarder, he only has four cats which I feel is like the most amount of cats a person can have while still being socially acceptable.* KHON2 reports:

Krueger’s four cats get to look down on their owner for nearly 100 yards of overhead catwalks. They can also scamper away to their choice of hideouts. All with proper lighting and padding.

“I think about it constantly, I can’t fall asleep,” Krueger said. “I’m still thinking about it, thinking about the design. I wake up, I’m thinking about it. I’m thinking about it all day at work.”

I have to admit, the cat owner in me thinks this is pretty cool. But then the homeowner in me immediately prevails and thinks that this guy’s house is going to have a resale value about the equivalent of a home smack in the middle of Detroit, where they will actually pay you to take their houses.

* Says a person with four cats.