This New ‘Frozen’-Inspired Bra Might Be The Next Big Thing In Bra Technology

Warning: The Video Is Slightly NSFW

When I think about all of the wonderous innovations that have been theorized but never seen in fashion it saddens me. While people long fo the hoverboards on display in Back to the Future Part II, I want to know where our self-drying coats are. One innovation that I never considered, though, is a bra that changes color when it touches (or is near) another bra. Luckily for all of us, Triumph, a Japanese lingerie company, clearly has a team of inventors that are streets ahead, and so now we have this amazing thing that seems to remind people of Disney’s recent hit film Frozen, because of ice princesses and the fact that it’s called the “Close Sister Bra”.

Japan has revealed its newest breast-supporting wonder — a bra that can change its color and pattern! The weird part? Well, it’s inspired by Disney’s hit movie Frozen… so it only changes design when it touches your sister’s bra.

Okay, admittedly, the bras change patterns when they come in contact with any bra with the same ability, thanks to the electronic paper it’s made of. It doesn’t have to be worn by your sister; it could be another female relative or a friend, or even a stranger. However it does mean you both have to be hanging around without shirts on, bumping your breasts into each other, in order to notice the wonders occurring on chest level.

If you think that your inhibitions are going to stop you from grazing another ladies bra with your bra, I’d advise you to ♫Let it Go♫… if I wanted to sound like an outright creep instead of a mere working stiff who simply wanted to get that “Let it Go” joke into this article.

But in all seriousness, is this something that the bra market has been clamoring for? Aren’t there better bra advancements that bra inventors should be focused on? An alarm system when the bra detects unwanted cleavage stares, perhaps?

See, not a creep.

Source: IO9