Let’s Talk About Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Goes Up Against The Demon

Ra’s Al Ghul finally appears on Arrow, and he’s shirtless on a mountain. We’ll be liveblogging that, but if Ollie crossing swords with a rugby star isn’t your thing, there’s plenty on tonight for geeks.

All times are Eastern.


Arrow, The CW: The “mid-season finale” arrives tonight, as Ollie tries to keep Starling City from being overrun by psychopaths for, what, the third year running? Man, just torch the city for the insurance money and move somewhere nicer, like Syria.

Blade, Cinemax: I’m never going to get tired of pointing out the first Marvel movie worth a damn came from the company that owns DC Comics.

Happy Feet, Disney: The director of Mad Max decided what Conrad’s Heart of Darkness really needed was some uptempo numbers and dancing penguins. Seriously, the second act of this movie might as well be narrated by Herzog.


The 100, The CW: Isiah Washington is in this show. Remember when he was a thing?

Pacific Rim, MoMax: Yes, I am going to tell you every time this movie is on television.


Nazi Mega Weapons, PBS: Just in case you needed a reminder of how insane the Nazis were, beyond the whole horrific automated genocide thing, PBS is happy to remind you.

American Horror Story: Freakshow, FX: I’ve spent a while trying to figure out how this show’s seasons are connected, and so far, I think Murphy’s lying. Any thoughts?

Remember, we’re liveblogging Arrow tonight at 8pm EST. Join us, won’t you?